Over the course of the last 27 years, delivering service excellence has always been our priority. Across our disciplines and areas of expertise this has taken on many forms, but whether it’s through innovations in technology and the ways we work, our commitment to positively impacting our environment and the communities in which we work or our ability to adopt a truly multidisciplinary approach, service excellence underpins everything we do. Read more about how we've incorporated service excellence into some of our most recent flagship projects below.
Integrated flood and coastal modelling to develop flood risk resilience in Panama City
As a result of rapid urbanisation in the Tocumen catchment (a stretch of river to the east of Panama City) flood risk was predicted to increase significantly. Recognising this, we were appointed to model alternative future scenarios and make recommendations as to how flood risk could be effectively managed. By adopting an integrated hydraulic modelling approach, we were able to model three different future scenarios, one of which demonstrated that nature-based solutions had the potential to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Through our investigation, we enhanced the Municipality’s evidence base to support its emerging district plan. Read more here.
Runswick Bay Environmental Impact Assessment and ecological innovation
This award-winning project saw us develop an innovative rock armour solution as part of a wider project to protect the Runswick Bay community from flooding and coastal erosion. Through considered design and collaboration across our coastal, maritime, river engineering and environmental management teams, we were able to deliver a unique solution that not only offered greater protection from flood risk, but also ensured long-term ecological enhancement. Given the environmental sensitivity of the area, this project presented an ideal opportunity to embrace scientific innovations in habitat creation. As a result, our designs incorporated man-made rock pools, natural pools created through the placement of rock armour and the addition of coarse grooves into the rock armour as methods of habitat creation. At the time these were the largest of their type in the UK. Read more here.
Improving Property Flood Resilience across the South-West
Over the course of the South West Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Pathfinder, we worked closely with the dedicated Pathfinder team to help individuals, businesses and communities gain greater awareness of flood risk and PFR. Faced with the challenge of delivering this project whilst operating under COVID-19 restrictions, our teams were forced to adopt innovative ways of raising awareness and engaging with those most at risk of flooding. This resulted in the development of a range of educational and learning resources which included the creation of the BeFloodReady website and social media pages, a PFR information booklet, virtual workshops and a series of animated PFR videos. We also teamed up with the award-winning Aardman Animations to create Missy’s Tale, to raise awareness of PFR across a much wider audience. Following its completion the South West Property Flood Resilience Pathfinder project was recognised at the 2022 Flood & Coast Excellence Awards, winning the Climate Resilient Places award. Read more here.
East Rhyl Coastal Defence scheme
Forming part of the Welsh Government’s Coastal Risk Management Programme, our design and modelling expertise supported the East Rhyl Flood Defence Scheme with innovative coastal defences that will provide long term resilience and adaptability to the future challenges of climate change. Undertaking the detailed design, numerical modelling, environmental consenting and business case development of the £30m scheme allowed us to propose a series of new defences and improvements. This included inbuilt adaptability to allow defences to be extended or modified, offering greater resilience to future scenarios. By making use of the Multi Variate Approach (MVA) in our design we were also able to consider thousands of defence configurations and provide a solution that was optimised for both cost and carbon. Read more here.
Thames Estuary 2100 Plan
Our ongoing work as part of the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan has seen us deliver a range of services across our disciplines. Published in 2012, The Thames Estuary 2100 Plan is a long-term adaptive strategy which details how flood risk management authorities can manage the increasing risk of tidal flooding on the River Thames. To date, we have contributed to the 10-year review of the plan, ensuring the latest scientific evidence and data is being applied. Carried out an Economic Case Review to ensure the cost of delivering the plan remains viable. Reassessed the Asset Management Investment (AMI) need for the Thames. Compiled innovative studies on Carbon Optimisation and Natural Capital and also conducted Benefit Mapping. A new approach within FCRM, Benefit Mapping will allow the full value of the plan to be highlighted, alongside the flood risk management benefits. It will also play a key role in identifying the partners, stakeholders and communities who are set to benefit most from delivering the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan. Read more here.
Environment Agency Incident Management Forecasting System
The creation of the Environment Agency Incident Management Forecasting System, saw our software team develop a bespoke solution to streamline the way flood forecasting data is stored, managed and utilised. Alongside the design and implementation of a new database, we also developed three new applications to build in essential functionality and improvements. By putting our client at the heart of the software development and collaborating throughout, we were able to tailor the system to the needs of those who would be using the JBA-developed web applications most frequently. As a result we were able to incorporate several new features, including the ability to make and test edits in isolation, offering greater visualisation and understanding of how input data and model inputs/outputs are connected. Read more here.
Integrated flood and coastal modelling to develop flood risk resilience in Panama City
As a result of rapid urbanisation in the Tocumen catchment (a stretch of river to the east of Panama City) flood risk was predicted to increase significantly. Recognising this, we were appointed to model alternative future scenarios and make recommendations as to how flood risk could be effectively managed. By adopting an integrated hydraulic modelling approach, we were able to model three different future scenarios, one of which demonstrated that nature-based solutions had the potential to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Through our investigation, we enhanced the Municipality’s evidence base to support its emerging district plan. Read more here.
Runswick Bay Environmental Impact Assessment and ecological innovation
This award-winning project saw us develop an innovative rock armour solution as part of a wider project to protect the Runswick Bay community from flooding and coastal erosion. Through considered design and collaboration across our coastal, maritime, river engineering and environmental management teams, we were able to deliver a unique solution that not only offered greater protection from flood risk, but also ensured long-term ecological enhancement. Given the environmental sensitivity of the area, this project presented an ideal opportunity to embrace scientific innovations in habitat creation. As a result, our designs incorporated man-made rock pools, natural pools created through the placement of rock armour and the addition of coarse grooves into the rock armour as methods of habitat creation. At the time these were the largest of their type in the UK. Read more here.